Eighth Nerve USA based manufacturer of acoustic treatments. Homepage:http://www.eighthnerve.com Distributed in South Korea by Chess Audio. Eighth Nerve, Nashville, TN 37206, USA. Tel: +615 206 7762. Fax: +615 469 0757. E-Mail: info at eighthnerve.com.
EIKI Japanese manufacturer of AV products intended for use in classrooms and in presentations etc. and you may remember them as suppliers of 16mm movie projection equipment in years gone by. Name translates as "projector". Homepage:http://www.eiki.com Distributed in Cyprus Modestou Sound & Vision Eiki Industrial Company Limited, 4-12 Banzai-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0028, Japan. Tel: +81 6 6311 9479. Fax: +81 6 6311 8486.
A long standing German Hi-Fi manufacturer, primarily a maker of loudspeakers and speaker related accessories such as stands and spikes, but the company also has a small line of electronics such as DAC's and wireless transmitters and receivers. ELAC is best known for manufacturing their own drivers some of them with unusual technologies such as the "Jet" ribbon tweeters, and coned woofers with metallic and crystal membranes, in addition to the sound these give their products a unique look and feel.
Founded on Sept. 1 in 1926 as Electroacoustic GmbH., used to produce a full range of A/V products but has over time turned into a loudspeaker specialist. The company was also for a long time the biggest UK based manufacturer of loudspeaker drivers through a subsidiary called the Electro Acoustic Company (Later independent) and many of the classic drivers attributed to KEF and other British companies where actually designed and made by ELAC, UK production stopped in the late 80's or early 90's. Homepage:http://www.elac.de.
Elektroakustik Bünzow German manufacturer of high end audio products. Homepage:http://www.buenzow.de Elektroakustik Bünzow, Venusstraße 5, 90522 Oberasbach/Nbg., Germany. Tel: +49 (0)911 9994467. Fax: +49 (0)911 9994468. E-Mail: info at buenzow.de.
ElKit Japanese manufacturer of electronic, educational and mechanical kits, including a range of rather neat valve amplifiers. Homepage:http://www.elekit.co.jp
Dutch trading company that primarily deal with hardware and power tools and so on but they do sell consumer cables, interconnects and AV accessories under the Q-link brand. Part of the Smartwares group. Homepage:http://www.elofer.nl Elofer, Postbus 60, 5720 AB Asten, Holland. Tel: +31 (0)493 680900. Fax: +31 (0)493 680 990.
ELP Long running Japanese manufacturer of hi-fi related products, now makes a revolutionary laser based turntable. Homepage:http://www.elpj.comJapanese homepage.
Elrod Power Systems USA based manufacturer of high end power cables, interconnects and loudspeaker cables.. Distribution: In Algeria by Ets Djenadi, in France by Fusion Acoustic Homepage:http://www.elrodpowersystems.com . Elrod Power Systems, 716 Fairforest Drive, Greenwood SC 29646, USA. Tel: +1 864 227 9107. E-Mail: deglide /at) greenwood.net
ELTA Austrian provider of low budget CE products, mostly white goods etc. but a number of audio and AV products as well. Homepage:http://www.elta.at Elta GmbH, Sonnwendgasse 21, Frachtenbahnhof 6. Str., 1100 Wien, Austria. E-Mail: office at elta.at.
Eltax A/S A Danish company that is probably best known as a manufacturer of loudspeakers with a killer price/performance ratio, they have in recent years been expaniding into the AV electronics market and also launched a separate brand of audio products called Tangent Audio. Company is owned by Inovadis. Distribution: Eltax is distributed in Hungary and Poland by Horn Distribution and in Romania by Lotus Telecom while Tangent products are distributed in the Czech Republic by RP Audio, in France by DEA International and in Iceland by Rafgrein, in Poland by Audio Klan and in Romania by Lotus Telecom Homepage:http://www.eltax.com -- Tangent Audio homepage. Eltax A/S, Drejervej 2, 7490 Aulum, Denmark. E-Mail: info |at/ eltax.com
Eltek Norwegian reseller of speaker kits and components, has recently started selling their own speakers under the Dynabel brand. Homepage:http://www.dynabel.no
ELZO Serbian manufacturer of power conditioners designed for usage with AV products that are sold under the DeZorel, has recently branched into the manufacture of more traditional audio products. Homepage:http://www.dezorel.co.yu Distributed in Austria and Croatia by Longtone, in France by Mondial Import Product, in Germany by Audio Suite, in Slovenia by E.I.S. and in Turkey by Extreme Audio. ELZO d.o.o., Karadjordjeva 12/212, 11080 Zemun, Serbia. E-Mail: office at dezorel.co.yu.