Valve based audio amplifiers

Balanced Audio Technology
Makes a small range of valve bases pre, power and RIAA phono amplifiers along with some other valve based audio products.

Has a range of amplifier designs.

Butler Audio
Makes a ubiquitous mono block amplifier but more interestingly a the 5150 multi channel amplifier for useage with home theatre systems.

Makes power and preamps.

Cadence Audio
Interesting Indian range of valve amps that show up in the west from time to time.

Canary Audio
Best known for their range of 300B based monoblock amplifiers but these include the CA-330, the CA-339 and the Reference One. .

Cary Audio Design
Makes single ended valve power amps.

Coincident Speaker Technology
Has a small range of valve amplifiers including the M100 SE and M100 SE integrated amps.

Has a range of power and pre amps available including the M99 Plus class AB push pull integrated, it pumps out 2x25w, you can take a look at this amp and others from their value series of glassware amplifiers that include monoblocks and preamps, their Signature Series utilise better components than the value amps, including thorodial transformers and better valves and the product range includes the T1 Preamp and a host of power amps in push pull and single ended configurations. their top of the range Reference Series includes a preamp, a single ended monoblocks and a push pull stereo power amp.

Croft Acoustics
This company was one of the pioneers of the valve renaissance in the UK, still going strong and has a line-up of mostly high end products (but has a reputation for reasonably good value, in the UK at the least). Unusually most of their power amplifiers have valve based voltage regulation, his products are also usually feature point to point wireing (i.e. PCB less).

David Berning
Makes a range of valve based amps including models that can be used from a battery or used as car amps and headphone amps, most interesting though is the ZH-270 power amplifier but that is an OTL design that pumps out 70w per channel, more info here.

DaVinci Audio
Makes a valve based preamp that has 4 balanced inputs and a dual stage triode power amplifier with an output of 5w > 8ohms, both of these amps are called Grandezza and are extremely carefully designed products with transformer couplings on input, output AND intermediate stages, they are also quite costly. There are also variants of those 2 amps referred to as the "blue night collection" but I am unsure of the difference between them and the regular models.

DeHavilland Electric Amplifier Co.
Manufactures high end, single ended Class A triode monoblock power amps that manage to pump out 30 and 60 watts respectively, they also manufacture a preamplifier called Verve that is also available in a high spec version called UltraVerve that features a ganged volume control and other high end components.

Has a small range of power amplifiers.

Makes a small range of amps.

Eastern Electric
Makes an amplifiers set simply called MiniMax PreAmplifier and the MiniMax PowerAmplifier.

Esoteric Audio Research - Yoshino (EAR)
Variety of valve based amps including the 834L linestage also availavble in a Deluxe version with an improved facade.

Electron Luv
Has a range of pre and power amplifiers that put as much emphasis on unusual and style conscious designs plus the use of rare valves as they do on the electronic design itself.

Emotive Audio
Manufactures the Poeta which is an all valve preamplifier and the Sira which is a hybrid that is also available in a variant called Sira LE, the company has recently introduced the ultra high end Epifania single ended linestage. The only power amplifier available from the company however is the Caeli LE monoblock, this is a single ended 300B based Class-A design.

EnVouge Audio
Makes the DaCapo MkII and the Solitaire MkII, both ate high end models with the Solitaire being twice the price of the DaCapo.

Makes 2 valve power amps, the ER 520 SE a single ended monoblock that uses the 6E5P and manages to pump out 20w or so, that amp is also one of the best looking hi-fi products out there, somehow manages to look both ancient and modern. The ER 520 PP is based around the same output tube but in a push pull configuration and thus manages to give you 40w into 8ohms.

Exemplar Audio
Makes the Exception, a triode based preamplifier and the Exultation single ended monoblock based around the 300B, these are only made to order and additionally the company makes bespoke valve amplification.

Furuyama Audio Lab (FAL)
Makes 3 models of integrated amplifiers, FAL EL34, the FAL 300B and the FAL AMP, the company also makes a transistorised amplifier called "the original model" that attempts to mimic the characteristics of a valve amplifier.

Golden Middle
Manufactures qute a range of amps, most of them are integrated models and most are also single ended designs including a couple built around the GM70 resulting in a fairly healthy 30W output, but there are a couple of push-pull models there as well.

Granite Audio
Makes a range of valve amplifiers.

Manufacture the HPA-1 which is in many ways the architypical Japanese high end valve amp (outside of the 300B cult), this is a high end monoblock unit that pumps out 25W and the only page I could find that has any info on this amp is a page in Japanese on the Inpulse homepage just scroll to the bottom you can see a picture, list of valves used and the specification. I think the company also had a 300B based single ended amp in production fairly recently.

Makes valve based and hybrid valve/transistor based amplifiers.

HSS Fidelity
There are a couple of manufacturers out that sell one or two models of valve based power amplifier intended to be used in automotive applications, these are considered specialised items however and sell in very limited quantities. The Italian company HSS Fidelity is something of a singularity since it has for more than 15 years made nothing but valve car audio amplifiers and not just power amps but preamplifiers as well, managing to marry 2 very Italian love affairs, that of high end cars and the one they have for thermionic valve amplification. Their products include both single ended and push-pull style amplifiers in addition to a large variety of preamps, the company has also more recently introduced other unique high end car audio products such as high end DA converters.

French valve amplifiers.

JJ Electronic
Makes and sells a range of amplification.

Makes a range of valve powered products, most of them look stunning and have an excellent build quality and finish, their range includes the much praised Belatine 300B based single ended monoblocks, the push pull Kent monoblock and the Merlin preamp that with it's valve segment indicator is one of the best looking preamp we have seen, note that there are 2 versions the plain Merlin that has the Klimo phono stage built in and the Merlin LS that skips the phono stage but is almost 40% cheaper (all the comments about phonostage go for the preamp NB.), you can also read a review of the Merlin by HiFi+ here.

Apparently has some sexy valve amps on offer but we cannot view their Windows only hompage so........


KR Audio Electronics
Makes a range of valve amplifiers using their own directly heated triode valve designs.

Makes the SQ-88 integrated amp, it has KT88 output tubes, a MM capable phono stage and gives you 2x50w/6o.

Sell valve based amplifiers and crossovers (for bi- wiring), available both in kit form and fully assembled.

Has some interesting designs including the hybrid HD-1 integrated amp, it has a valve preamplifier stage with an transistorised output stage, pumps out around 2x75w and is pure class A. The company also has 2 class A power amps, these have an active bias circuit, variable output impedance, active damping (more common in semiconductor amps) and can be used in triode or ultralinear modes, the design can use 6550, KT99, KT88 or KT100 for it's output tubes, the U280sc pumps out 2x60w and the TR2200sc with it's 16 output tubes will give you a whopping 2x220w. The company also has the SF220 valve preamp, it's available in 3 variations, as SF220r2 a version that can control a 2 room installation, the SF220r stereo version with remote control and the plain stereo SF220.

Like many other Italian marques Mastersound is primarily focusing on manufacturing integrated amplifiers, they do however have a couple of power amps as well. The integrated models from Mastersound include the Compact 300B that is a smallish but heavy (27Kg!) a 2x 15W pure class A unit based on 300B valves, the unit fearures 3 line ins and one direct input that is only suitable for high output devices, it is remote controled with a motorised fader at the volume knob rather than a VCA. Is also available in a version that incorperates 320B valves and in that case it will actually pump out 2x 20 watts.

Makes valve amplifiers for car audio usage.

This manufacturer has quite a few interesting amplifiers, have been getting very good press lately, amongst their products are line stage preamplifiers including the Plasma and the interesting Utopia, and monoblocks galore, all single ended models such as the recently introduced SE-3 and the SE-1, there is more, try downloading their catalogue in a PDF format here.

Nagra Audio
Makes the VPA or "Valve Power Amplifier" a very nifty looking device.

New Audio Frontiers
The company manufactures ultra high end integrated valve amplifiers.

Nothing But Signal (NBS)
Manufactures the Shields power amplifier, it's a bit unusual in using the fairly recently developed Svetlana3CX300A1 vavle power valve and has a switched mode power supply, the use of this exotic tube allows the amplifier to producing a whopping 150w into 8 ohms despite being a class A design, ah and did we mention that this is expencive ?.

Manufactures mid/high end valve amplifiers including integrated models and monoblocks, while their Jubilee Line is an out and out high end product their other products are not as expensive as they might seem, good looking as well, more info here.

Has a range of push-pull power amps and the single ended TVA-8 integrated.

Makes a range of some visually stunning tube amps, including the Classic one which is their best selling product, it's an integrated model with an 2 x35W power output at a fairly reasonable price (all things considered), their other integrated product is the Logos and that is a unshamedly high end unit which has got some very nice reviews on both sides of the Atlantic. They also manufacture the T.T. stereo power amp (named after a famous Italian motorcycle) and their top of the line amps are the InPower monoblocks and InControl preamplifer.

Makes the high end Opus3 Candela high end power amp, it features symmetrical inputs (and outputs as well I think this is not clear though) and is a push-pull design based on 5881 valves and pushes out 2x30w.

This Canadian company more or less specialises in manufacturing integrated amplifiers although they have announced that they will be shipping pre-amps and monoblocks soon. A typical model from them is the SP-120 an integrated that has a hybrid Class AB topology, each output channel has a pair of KT-88 valves and will pump out 50W in Class B .

Red Rose Music
Has a range of high end valve based amplification.

Has 2 integrated models, the long running Delta which is a 2x 50W > 8ohm push pull design and the more recently introduced Integra which is a hybrid model but unlike most other East European amps of the same ilk it's the preamplifier section that is based around a single ended class A valve preamp section while the power amp is a 2x 100W transistorised design (there is a tradition for going the other way in mid priced EE produced amps, i.e. solving the problem of small signal noise in valve amps by producing integrated models with transistorised preamps and push-pull power sections).

Manufacture one valve based product in the form of a single ended stereo amplifier called the PAT-777, this is a pure class-A model that has a 300B output tube, out put is rated at 7 w per channel into 8 ohms.

Rouge Audio
Has quite a range of amps, this includes integrated, preamps and poweramps, including some powerful models, best known for their monoblock power amps however.

Rudi Stor
Has the VT-2. In addition the company has a range of valve based headphone amplifiers, see : RudiStor Headphone Amplifiers..

SAS Audio Labs
Makes line preamplifiers and push-pull topology power amps.

Scarlet Audio
Makes 2 high end monoblock amplifiers, namely the Masterpiece and the Pearl, the former is a push pull design that puts out 70w into 4 ohms while the latter is a single ended 300B based design that puts out 25w into 4 ohms. the company was reportedly working on a preamplifier design a couple of years back but nothing appears to have materialised.

Makes the HY20 hybrid integrated amplifier and the TU10 valve based premplifier.

Signature Technologies
Makes power amplifiers.

SIS Audio
Has a range of high end valve amps including the 300B based Masstro i BQ single ended monoblock, unusually it has an external power supply, the company also makes an integrated model aka Masetro I v2.

Has some lovely valve amps.

The Sound of The Valve
Has a small range of high end amps including an integrated model.

Sound Valves
Yet another valve amp maker.

Spark Audio
Has a range of power amplifiers.

Makes a high end single ended stereo integrated amplifier called simply the Stereo Single-Ended Hi-Fi Tube Amplifier, this is based around an EL34 and only pumps out about 8w per channel so will need a very sensitive speaker, controls and I/O are a bit spartan with 2 volume knobs and only a stereo cinch input making this more of a power amplifier in disguise than a true integrated. More info to be found here.

Stan White
This long running speaker manufacturer has been working on a valve amplifier design for years, details about the product can be found here, but according to a price list at the same site it's not yet in production.

Stein Music
Has a range of amplifiers.

Has a range of hand built pre and power amplifiers.

Has a unusually large range of high end valve amplifiers including systems suitable for use for home theatre applications, also have a DVD player with valve based output amp. Have recently released a high power KT-88 based stereo power amp called Virtu105/105.

While this company did manufacture valve based audio in the 80's they have not done so for quite some time but they decided to celebrate their 25th anniversary in November 2003 by introducing a new valve based integrated amplifier that they call the V 10.

Has the amazing Uesugi UT-50 amp, delivers 2x22w >8ohm, more info here.

Tenor Audio
Makes high end power amplifiers, both full class A all valve designs and some hybrid models, noticeably they have a high power (75W) OTL design amongst their offerings.

Thor Audio
Makes high end amplifiers mainly power amps but also some preamps.

Tiny Tube
Has 3 products simply called Line, Riaa and Power, these are a preamplifier, a phono preamp and a power amp. The products have got excellent reviews in the Danish hi-fi press especially for their price/performance ratio and the RIAA preamp in particular.

Makes a range of valve bases amps, amongst the more interesting are the VP300BD, a 300B based integrated, it has been getting excellent reviews in the Asian hi-fi press, another integrated is the VP-Mini88 MkII, a small, nifty integrated based around a KT88 and the 845 Signature & 88 Signature monoblocks.

Tron Electric
Has a range of power amps, including a single ended model based on the 300b avaiable in both a stereo and mono versions, a 56kg monster called 211, the Nucleus and the Type PX25 named after the main output valve used. The company also has recently introduced a preamplifier called a Meteor.

UL Sound
Makes the 300B single ended stereo poweramp, no prices for guessing what valve it's based around, also makes a monoblock with 2 300B in a parallel configuration, apparently called just 300B Parallel Single, also manufacture an interesting if a little dear preamp called Rainbow available in 2 variants, White and Gold.

Unison Research
Manufactures high end amps.

Vacuum State Electronics
Makes 2 highly regarded preamplifiers, the RTP3C and the FVP5A, the company is also about ready to introduce a power amp.

This company makes equipment that are a bit unusual looking, while most current manufacturer of valve based equipment go out of their way to ephasise that teir products are based on old technolgy originally intended for lighting purposes by exposing the tubes as much as they can and stuffing them in big boxes. The Valvet company in direct contradiciton is shipping units much smaller than you usually se with valve amplifiers and are housed in either small elongated boxes that the company refers to as "Bricks" or in 1U 19" enclosuers, in both cases they are fully enclosed and there is not a glowing heater in sight, however this means that most of their products have an external power supply although the company says this is more to do with reduction of hum that to space probelms per se.

The P2 is a high end preamplifier with 5 line channes plus a MM capable phone preamp and a tape return, it should be noted that the phonostage gain is actually 45dB so some mid output moving coils will work. The P2 is a minimalist design with only a volume control and a selector switch, the volume control is motorised rather than a VCA and the unit can optionally be had with WBT connectors.

Westrex/Western Electric
Makes the WE91C single ended monoblock amplifier based around their own 300 valve.

Wright Sound Company
Has a line of reasonably priced amps including preamps and RIAA/Phone Preamps.

Yoshiba Onkyo
Makes high end amps both power amps and integrated units.

Valve based kits etc..

Has the KTA-60 integrated valve amplifier available in kit form, it's a 2x30w/8o Class A/B push pull design.

All their amplifier products are available in kit form as well as fully built.

Elektro Akustik
Has a range of valve amplifiers in kit form.

Has a range of valve based amplifier kits, including a single ended 300b model but also an the interesting the TU-875 a budget hybrid preamp with built in RIAA/Phone preamplifier that supports both MM and MC.

All their amplifier products are available in kit form.

Stein Music
Has a range of valve based kits.

S5 Electronics
Makes a valve amplifier kit, it's a push-pull 2x8w unit that can be run on it's own since it has an attenuator.

Has one of the more interesting ranges of valve kit's out there, but at the same lime one of the most expensive as well, all their models are low power units and most models are integrated but there are power amps there as well.

Makes some of their amps available in kits including the well liked VP300BD 300B based integrated.

Triode Ljud
Makes a range of valve based kits including the Edison 60 integrated amplifier that has 2x30w and uses a push-pull topology, but can be modified to be a single ended amp giving out 2x12w, and the Edison Triode an single ended integrated amp that is built around a 300B.

Makes a range of excellent quality valve amp kits.

Welborne Labs
Make valve amplifier kits and sell books etc. for those with interest in valve audio.

DIY Valve Audio

A valve pre and power amp design by Fred Nachbaur.

Valve & transformer manufacturers

Manufactures output transformers and chokes for use in valve amps, more info here.

This Czech company makes high quality tubes specifically designed for use in audio applications and the company's founder holds a number of recent patents with regards to valve design and manufacture, unusually some tube models are available in a range of variants. Obviously niche products like this are more expensive than the more everyday products, you will find more info on their product line here, interestingly it seems that the "reference" variants of the tubes are not much more expensive than the normal models and it is also a bit surprising that the 300B variants are not all that more expensive than driver vales etc.., considering the quite difference in price between a "normal" 300B and common driver valves.

Bartolucci Transformers
Manufactures a large range of transformers and chokes intended for use in valve amplifiers.

JJ Electronic
Makes a small series of valves especially for use in audio equipment.

KR Audio Electronics
Makes a range of high end, high vacuum directly heated triode valves intended for audio applications.

USA trademark but valves made in Russia, sells a big line of valves mostly classic lines but some new designs.

Westrex/Western Electric
Makes the famous 300B and more.

Other valve based audio products

See also : Headphone amplifiers, RIAA preamplifiers & CD Filters

Next Page : Discontinued Valve Amplifiers

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The site was last compiled on Sun Nov 10 2013 at 9:15:00am