Panda Electronics Group Large Chinese manufacturer of consumer and professional electronics, also have a daughter company called Panda Audio Electronics that they run in conjunction with Shenzhen Junlan Electronic and specialises in manufacturing AV electronics. Homepage: - Alternative homepage Panda, 301 East Zhong Shan Road, Nanjing, PRC 210002. Tel : +86 (0)25 51802114 Fax : +86 (0)25 84805030..
Pearl Mikrofonlaboratorium AB Swedish manufacturer of high end microphones. Originally founded in 1941 by Rune Rosander as a manufacturer of crystal microphones and was originally located in Spånga, but Hr. Rosander had invented a new method of growing crystals that was considered superior to what was available on the market at the time. Incorporated in 1943 and moved into the manufacture of dynamic mics in the early 50's and into the manufacture of condensator mics in 1958. The company was split into 2 in 1978 with the R&D organisation continuing under the Pearl name while the sales and manufacturing where handled by a new company called CTAB which sold microphones under the MiLab name, but Pearl restarded production of microphones under their own name in 1984 when CTAB was sold to Bilsom and later emerged as Milab. The company was taken over by husband and wife team of Bernt & Margita Malmqvist in 1993, but Bernt had been working as at the company since 1954 including a stint at Milab as a production manager. Homepage: Distributed in Austria by Scmidton and in Iceland by Mix.
Peavey Electronics A manufacturer of musical instruments and sound systems, also manufactures PA systems and components under the Architectural Acoustics brand, sound reinforcement products under the Mediamatrix and Crest Audio brands, club and DJ oriented products using the PVDJ name. Also owns the UK based Trace Elliot operation. Distribution: In Australia and New Zealand by Hills Sound, Vision & Lighting (MediaMatrix and Architectural Acoustics only), in Ecuador by Banlow S. A., in Papua New Guinea by Keynote Music Houses, in Poland by Lauda Audio, in South Africa by Tuerk Musical Technologies and in Thailand by M. I. Engineering, Non-exclusive wholesaling/distributing to latin America by Tropical Music Export Enterprises. Crest Audio only: In France by Algam Homepage: -- Crest Audio homepage -- Mediamartix homepage -- Architectural Acoustics homepage. Peavey Electronics Corporation, 5022 Hartley Peavey Drive, Meridian, Mississippi 39305, USA. Tel: +1 866 662 8750. Fax: +601 486 1678.
Penton Communications Inc. Taiwanese company with production factilities in its home country, France and China that manufacturs PA and commercial audio systems under the Ateïs brand and PA & installation loudspeakers under its own name. Distribution: In Australia and New Zealand by Hills Sound, Vision & Lighting Homepage: -- Ateïs Europe. Penton Communications Inc., No 28-2 Ya-Tan Road, Ta-Ya, Taichung, Taiwan. Tel: +886 4 25347103. Fax: +886 4 25347048. Ateïs Europe bv, Sydneystraat 42, 3047BP Rottedam, Holland. Tel: +31 (0)10 2088690. Fax: +31 (0)10 2088699.
Pignose (portable PA's & wirless mics) See --> Gorilla Inc.
Phonic Ear Danish maker of “assistive listening devices” that is on one hand all kinds of adaptors and hearing aids for those with diminished hearing including some innovative products such as Bluetooth receivers that can mate with phones, hi-fi’s, TV’s and computers etc., and thus potentially replaceing a number of units. But the company also makes products intended to make spoken word more intelligible for those with fairly minor hearing impairments or even those with full hearing in settings such as classrooms, these are effectively small, specialised, filtered PA systems. Homepage: Phonic Ear A/S, Kongebakken 9, DK-2765 Smørum, Denmark. Tel: +45 3917 7101. E-Mail: mail |at|
Indian manufacturer of PA and sound reinforcement products. Company founded in 1974 by Shri Ram Narayan Aggarwal, currently run by his son R. N. Aggrawal. Homepage: Piyano Sound Industries, A-96, Sector 5, Noida-201301, Uttar Pradesh, India. Tel: +91 120 2421481. Fax: +91 120 2420516. E-Mail: piyano £at£ and piyano "at"