Flare Technology The audio side of the Flare was at the time even more impressive and featured in addition to the now ubiquitous digital audio capabilities one of the worlds first analogue modelling synthesiser but rather than using digital synthesis techniques the Flare team decided that the more familiar subtractive synthesis would appeal more to users, the company demonstrated these AV capabilities by playing an (admittedly rather dreadful) music video while allowing people to toy around with some of its parameters, an unique feature at the time and nota bene most video players of today do not have any real interactive features. The Flare was never released as a consumer electronics device although it was used as the basis for some arcade machines and some of the technology is believed to have showed up in the Atari Jaguar games computer, one of the problems surrounding the machine and the company appears to have been the lack of focus on the marketing side, one day it was touted as games machine to compete with the Nintendo, the next day as a home computer to take on the Atari ST and the third as a home entertainment centre etc.. Fletcher ElectroAcoustics Ltd. The SC2 compressor was delivered with a distinctive green faceplate that soon became something of a trademark for the company and the colour was used for the front facias for all the subsequent processors FA delivered, the SC2 also sold very well since it was very keenly priced and presented people with a type of sound that was otherwise only available in specialised high-end equipment, although in general the SC-2 was not quite as flexible as most of the other budget compressors at the time. Introduced the VC-1 studio channel in 1997, it was not a standard voice channel since it contained a microphone amp, a compressor and an enhancer but no limiting, EQ or expansion but like the SC2 it was at the right price, sold well and overall got very good reviews. After the introduction of the VC1 however the company starts to creep slowly more upmarket at a time when most of their competitors were coming to the conclusion that the studio market was slowly dying while the bedroom recording market was taking off and thus moving downmarket.
The company hit some financial problems in late 1998 and early 1999 when their British distributor Sound Valley Distribution went bankrupt, this lead to the company taking UK distribution into its own hands and by 2001 they had started to distribute by themselves in most of western Europe. This change coincided with increasingly frequent reports of power supply failures and other problems with the build quality of their products, some models in particular being reported as having high failure rates; their USA distributor claimed 15% failure rates within the first year of operation for some models in 2001. By that time it had become obvious that the company was in trouble and in 2002 HR Revenue & Customs put the company into liquidation since they had not returned employee withdrawals for over a year. The bankruptcy court sold the rights to the Joemeek, MTA and Trident brand names and designs to AMH Sales who had been the North American distributor of FE’s products since the beginning while Ted Fletcher went on to found Joeaudio Ltd., this lead to some legal squabbles between the 2 companies in 2003 as Joeaudio initially sold signal processors that used Joemeek parts & brands. One of the problems surrounding the demise of the company was simply their move upmarket, early products were inexpensive and for instance their compressor was cheaper than the Behringer budget compressors were at the time, FA also sold their products not strictly as utilitarian units but as effect boxes, they in fact made the colorization of sound that their products did a feature and boasted of having but offered a totally different sound, in fact in some markets the original VC was the cheapest compressor you could get your hands on, later products were much more expensive, they did for instance sell microphone models that retailed for almost 1400 pounds (Then close to 3000 USD) that seemed frankly overpriced next to the competition and contrasted markedly with the cheap and cheerful origins of the company. Spares & service : Current brand owner AMH Sales has been quite helpful in getting older units serviced, but for repairs that is really only for the North American markets, they have also made manuals for the FE built Joemeek branded products downloadable from their website. For the rest of the world Joeaudio Ltd. will provide repairs and some support via their website and forum. Fonofilm See --> Ortofon Fonica Fonline (Accessories) See --> Path Ltd. (ca. 1995 to 2003) FR See --> Fidelity Research Furukawa (Cables & interconnects) See --> Furukawa Electric Co. Futterman Next Page : Defunct Audio Companies - Ga to Gd -- Previous Page : Defunct Audio Companies - Fa to Fk |