Classics One Audio Added silver interconnects and speaker cables to the product mix fairly early on and the products appear to have sold fairly well even though they were not distributed outside of Asia, the founder claims to have made over 4200 pairs of loudspeakers during the 4 years he operated the company, but we almost never see Classic One speakers on the second hand market, we do find interconnects and cables from the company for sale from time to time in Hong Kong though. The operation closed down in late 1995 and Mr Yun moved to the USA where he started Silverline Audio which to begin with offered a very similar product line to Classics One except with a greater emphasis on bookshelf systems. Classified Audio Video Inc
Resources : Review of the Aural Audition headphone amplifier by 6moons CLM Dynamics (Signal processors - Scotland - 1995 to 2006) See --> Texol Technical Solutions PLC C. Lorenz The 1930's was a very important point in the history of the company as they started to do some research into manufacturing techniques and one result of that research was the introduction of modular manufacture, prior to that electronic equipment had been either assembled by hand or mass manufactured in a similar fashion to a car, whereby a chassis goes down an assembly line and workers insert and fasten parts into the chassis or sub-chassis one person at a time. This became uneconomical the more complex the products grew since quality testing was really only possible with a finished product and when production errors were found they could often not be corrected except by partial breakdown and rebuild of the product, not a huge problem with consumer products but even in the 20's professional electronic products had become quite complex. C. Lorenz solution to this problem was to manufacture all products in a modular fashion whereby circuits with specific functions were built into die cast boxes made out of a magnesium based alloy called Elektron and then tested to a specification, the sub modules were then connected together and assembled into a finished product and received final QT, despite the added costs of the Elektron enclosures the end product was less costly to manufacture than by using normal methods due to the lower quality control costs and the introduction of standardised modules, but that were modules that had generic functions and were used in a multitude of products and could thus be mass manufactured. Non production related benefits of the modularised construction included faster and cheaper servicing since instead of repairing the unit by switching components you simply replaced the affected module and sent the old one back to the factory to be repaired by specialised technicians, but also the greater electromagnetic isolation. During the first 4 decades of the 20th century the company saw itself as the main competitor to Telefunken in the field of radio and related techniques, the great rivalry between the companies meant that the German government sometimes felt forced to specify when giving out contracts that work could or should be shared at the least partially, but it also meant that the 2 companies had a tendency to "answer" each other’s product introductions, this lead for instance to the introduction of the Lorenz wire recorder, but prior to Telefunkens introduction of the Reel to Reel the company had no interest or research into that field, but it is important to realise that Lorenz was never known as a particularly adventurous company as far as products were concerned, they had advanced construction techniques but never had the range of innovative products that made arc rivals Telefunken famous and conversely Telefunken never rivalled the generic construction quality of Lorenz. After WWII the company lost its manufacturing bases in Eastern Germany and Prussia and was forced due to practical and political considerations to turn away from the manufacture of professional radio equipment even though it started manufacture of parts and components almost immediately after the year both in Berlin and in their Schaub factories in Western Germany, but due to its USA ownership it got a permission to do so much sooner than most other big German companies at the time. The blockade of Berlin by the Soviet occupation forces forced the company to move its headquarters to Stuttgart and the continued loss of export markets forced them to look into entering new local markets, in 1949 it entered the manufacturing of railway control and safety equipment for instance, it also resulted in some interesting consumer products such as world’s first consumer off-line recorder which utilised technology from their pre-war Wire Recorders.
Homepage: http://www.alcatel.de CL 9 Corporation The C9 remote was originally intended by Woz to be an Apple Corp. product but this was blocked by Steve Jobs, and when Mr Wozniak founded the company Mr. Jobs contacted all Apple suppliers and informed them that it would negatively affect their business with Apple Corp. if they supplied parts to CL9. Wozniak hired Sam Bernstein, the ex-marketing manager of Commodore to be the head of the company in late 1985 after Woz decided to spend his time concentrating on his young family. The C9 remote was based on two processors, a 4 bit one for basic tasks like scanning the keyboard etc. and a 6510 microprocessor that handled more complex logic, the unit is fully programmable, as in computer rather than as in control as is the case with modern variants and came with its own programming language and manual, this meant that the device had the potential to be truly universal but even the most expensive of the modern equivalents have problems with non-standard protocols especially with older equipment. The CL 9 controller also had serial ports that could be programmed to replace wired controls that where still popular at the time especially on video recorders and the like, it also featured a built in timer so it could activate recordings on devices that had no such timers or whose built in timer functions were limited. Unlike modern universals there were no pre-programmed codes, not due to technical issues but simply because no-one had thought of it at the time, the unit also featured rudimentary multi-room capability. The CL9 remote absolutely bombed in the market, not all users had the technical knowhow or the inclination to program the unit from scratch and this relegated the C9 to a niche product, and while sales were reasonable and the company could have survived as a smaller operation the original business plan anticipated much higher sales and when it became apparent that those would never be reached the company closed its doors in 1988 and was wound down in 1989. CL 9 is shorthand for Cloud 9 and in daily usage people referred to both the company and the product as cloud nine rather than CL 9 and C9 since it is quicker to say the full name than the shorthand, the company had noticeably what may have been the coolest telephone numbers ever or 800 999 9999, but please do not use that number unless you are having issues with pimples and parents, it's currently a teenage runaway helpline. Next Page : Defunct Audio Companies - Co to C9 -- Previous Page : Defunct Audio Companies - Cb to Ck |